<case-study-stat>10<case-study-stat> Tier-1 Reporter RSVPs



Recursion uses AI and machine learning to do drug discovery differently. To break through in a crowded industry, we had to create a new category, TechBio, and, in the process, position Recursion as its leader.


Revolutionizing drug discovery — and the industry.


Recursion is a well-known player in the biotech space, but as a tech-led and AI-driven bio-pharma company, the “biotech” category identification was limiting. “TechBio” is a more apt term to define Recursion’s approach, given the company’s explicit strategy of using AI and machine learning to do drug discovery differently, but the term hadn't taken hold in the market. As Recursion set its sights on changing its perception from a biotech company to a TechBio company, it needed to introduce its brand to the tech- and AI-focused media orbit.


To get Recursion on the radar of this new pool of media, Mission North ideated, planned, and executed a virtual roundtable discussion for tier-1 tech reporters who covered various industry applications of AI, but had not heard of the use of AI in drug discovery. We curated a panel that brought the worlds of tech, AI, and pharma together, including well-established players like NVIDIA and Merck.


Tapping existing media connections and creating new ones, Mission North secured 10 RSVPs from tech and AI reporters at tier-1 outlets like Bloomberg, CNBC, Forbes, The Financial Times, and The Economist. The feedback from reporters was overwhelmingly positive, as we left them feeling more educated on the progress and potential of AI for drug discovery. In the process, we successfully introduced Recursion as a TechBio company to a new pool of media
and established relationships with key targets. More importantly, we grew awareness for Recursion as a TechBio company that’s leveraging AI in an innovative, impactful way.

Press coverage

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