<case-study-stat>6<case-study-stat> media briefings including MIT Tech Review, L'Humanité and FedScoop

<case-study-stat>8000+<case-study-stat> report views

<case-study-stat>20+<case-study-stat> pieces of public feedback in meeting and emailed comments to inform the next report iteration




Reframing the Conversation about Trustworthy AI


Despite years of work in AI by nonprofits, academics and advocacy groups, the tech companies with the deepest pockets quickly became the loudest voices about the future of AI, pushing for government policies that would benefit their own proprietary approaches and platforms. To reframe the conversation and highlight the importance of openness, competition and accountability in AI, Mozilla had an opportunity to leverage its position as an open source trailblazer with experience taking on the biggest behemoths in the history of tech.


Mozilla set out to develop a differentiated perspective, communications strategy and key asset examining where there has been positive progress toward trustworthy AI, and where there is more work to be done. The communications strategy featured a comprehensive report that articulated the organization’s evolving position on AI, serving as both a public asset to fuel media cycles and an internal guide for Mozilla spokespeople to address AI-related topics as thought leaders. 

Mission North interviewed more than a dozen subject matter experts, and then shaped a bold, organization-wide point of view on trustworthy AI, with openness as the north star. The report highlighted examples of Mozilla’s work alongside external peers and partners, and served as a call to action for other members of the trustworthy AI ecosystem. We brought the report to life with eye-catching design, an expansive earned media strategy and an accompanying slide library for employee use to ensure clarity and consistency across the organization.


Mozilla’s trustworthy AI perspective was featured in earned media coverage spanning mainstream business and deep tech trade publications around the world. Mozilla’s President, Mark Surman, discussed the report live on Bloomberg Markets and in podcast interviews. Our proactive outreach drove significant inbound interest in speaking opportunities for Mozilla’s leaders, including from the Wall Street Journal’s Future of Everything conference. The launch elevated Mozilla’s voice in a noisy AI landscape, helping to shift the narrative about what trustworthy AI means in business and society, and what we must do to get there.

Press coverage


July 13, 2024

April 1, 2024

Bloomberg Markets: The Close

Read article

The Wall Street Journal

July 10, 2024

May 22, 2024

Safeguarding Online Content

Read article

The Shift Podcast

July 13, 2024

March 26, 2024

Building Trustworthy AI

Read article